Thursday, February 3, 2011

Not much not much

Not much to say today. Went to class and that's about it. Jacob and I were going to go to the grocery store today but it's been downpouring since this morning. Jacob and I have been working on our travel plans for spring break and hopefully a Paris trip in 2-3 weekends from now. Everything seems just so expensive here. If only the pound=euro=dollar. Then we'd be set. But with the exchange rate being so shitty it's hard to find anything decent and affordable.

Tomorrow is our St. Andrews trip. We are leaving bright and early at 8 am. I should probably go to sleep now since I had a lack of sleep last night. We have finally started to get some decent tasting meals so that's been giving me more energy (minus the depressing rain). I guess I'll try and write tomorrow about our travels in St. Andrews. Maybe Prince William and Kate will be there since that's where they went to college! ;)

Love and miss you all,
Hayley and Jacob

1 comment:

  1. Hayley..Enjoy your trip to St. Andrew's.. Take your rain gear in case it is a wet day. Can't wait to see pictures...if you see Kate..tell her you would love to stand up in ther and Prince William's wedding!! :)
