Thursday, January 27, 2011

Long Day

Hey Everyone,
Jacob and I made it to Scotland and we are settled into our new "home." Not quite what we expected but it will do :) I would love to let you in on our travel stories but since I only got one our of sleep on a very turbulant plane ride, I would rather sleep right about now. It's approx. 7:38 p.m. in Scotland and in Marion it's only 1:40 p.m. So have fun working back in the U.S. and I will type more and tell you our stories when the time permits. We have a pretty busy "orientation" schedule for the next three days so we'll see if I have any time to write.

Love and miss you all!


  1. Hayley..enjoy the ride! I'm SO jealous:-)
    We hope you have a great experience. When in doubt, click your heels together and repeat after me, "there's no place like home". Please send your postal address when you get a chance. Thanks!
    The Pleshek's

  2. Hi Miss Hayley Liz....Dad and I sat down tonight...hopefully you are long sleeping, and read your blog. I need to know about that plane ride...please tell me that the long one was smooth as can be...I need a nice ride when we come to visit...Write when you can, and we promise we won't worry about you too much!!! Sweet dreams...Mom and Dad

  3. Hayley's address is:

    Hayley Evrard
    Wisconsin in Scotland
    Dalkeith House
    Dalkeith, Midlothian
    EH22 2NA

    Brock...she will love to hear your comments, as you have spent 3 of your 12 years living in the area!! Tell her and Jacob what they should go see, whilst they are there.
