Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Tomorrow is the day!

I can't believe that January 26th is arriving tomorrow. I've had a countdown since triple digits and now there aren't any more days to count. I thought I was done packing a couple days ago until the Packers won the NFC championship. (I hope I got that right, I'm not too big into football.) Since they won I had to pack the Packer jersey since Jacob will NOT miss the Superbowl. I immediately e-mailed the lady over in Scotland who is in charge and asked her how we will be able to watch the Superbowl. She replied that they will be showing it at the Palace (where we are staying), since all of the students and professors are from Wisconsin/Minnesota. The downfall is that the pregame doesn't start until 11:30 p.m. in Scotland and the game doesn't start until around 1 a.m. So it will be a late night that Sunday but of course it will be completely worth it.

Jacob's mom and my  mom are taking us both to the airport. Derek and Leah (Jacob's siblings) are also coming along for the ride to the Appleton airport. I was a little worried that our flights might get messed up and that clearing security might be more difficult as President Obama is coming to Manitowac tomorrow as well. To my joy he is arriving at Austin Straubel Airport in Green Bay which should make our departure easier. The flight leaves Appleton for Detroit at 1:15 p.m. and we arrive in Detroit around 3:30. From Detroit we fly to Amsterdam, The Netherlands (previously known as Holland), where we have a 2 hour layover and then fly to Edinburgh, Scotland. Edinburgh is the capitol of Scotland and the Palace is about 10 miles away in Dalkeith. Edinburgh is a population of 440,000 so it's definitely a change from little 'ol Marion or even Menomonie where UW-Stout is.

So, hopefully the flights go well and there aren't any bumps in the road. We have our papers ready so clearing customs will hopefully be a piece of cake.....I'll let you all know when we arrive!

Adios United States, Hello United Kingdom!

Hayley and Jacob

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